
目前显示的是 2013的博文


哈哈....发现了这个,本以为已经消失了,可是却被我找到!...是 多年前 的杰作,不是很好的杰作,而且当时我还是个初学者,自然的, 画得没有品味(其实现在也是 :D),再说当时只是抱着好玩的心态,或可以说是灵感来了... 那一刻 , 真的有这么一刻,本想只要在几张白纸上“涂鸦”, 再练习把整个原本不会动的故事人物,搬上电脑荧幕...谁知,忽然间,我的朋友(懒惰)出现,哈哈...没关系,现在我把它般上电脑荧幕了,不过是不会动 的 :P, 因为朋友还在,我做不到flash, 献丑了,嘿嘿! 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg

My Reading, My Learning and i kept those in...

Long On Ideas Life magazine named him the number one man of the millennium. The number of things he invented is astounding(1093). He held more patents than any other person in the world, having been granted at least one patent every year for 65 consecutive years. His name was Thomas Edison. Most people credit Edison's ability to creative genius. He credited it to hard work. "Genius," he declared," is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration." I believe his success was also the result of third factor: his positive attitude. Edison was an optimist who saw the best in everything. "If we did all the things we were capable of doing," he once said, "we would literally astound ourselves. "When it took him ten thousand tries to find the right materials for the incandescent light bulb, he didn't see them as that many failures. With each attempt he gained information about what didn't work, bringing him closer to solution. He never doubted tha